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  • Writer's pictureTheresa R

Your Mom & Your Wedding

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

Now, if you were coming here to read all about how to stop mother's who interfere in the wedding planning, you've come to wrong place!

If you came along to read how your mother can take part in your ceremony, then get comfy as it's time to change things up!

Every time I watch a film or programme about Weddings, they highlight fathers giving their daughters away. Or fathers doing the speech or fathers being all emotional at their daughter's weddings, with mothers very much taking a back seat (unless they're interfering in some way, which is also a terrible portrayal!). In fact, in a recent episode of Mafs Australia they showed a Mother saying to a bride (whose father had passed away) "I can't walk you down the aisle, but I am here for you" - um, why the hell not?

The traditions of weddings are old and dusty now! They really are and I will be talking more in depth in coming posts. Yes, there is space for those who wish to do the traditional, go ahead, in fact there's space for every type of wedding. However, so many more couples are either avoiding getting married or trying to find a new way to do things because they are tired of the traditional ways.

I say let's find new ways to do things, I am all for it, I am here to break the rules!

While Mother's Day is around the corner, even better to highlight Mom's at weddings!

Yes, your mom can go with you in the car to the wedding,

Yes, your mom can walk you down the aisle,

Yes, your mom can do a speech during the meal,

Yes, your mom can do more than simply be a spectator!

In fact, let your Mom (or Dad) take part in your wedding in the way you'd prefer. Truly there are not any actual rules about it, it's all tradition and it can all be changed and done your way.

So this year, why not change things up and give your mom a proper role in your wedding, cos why the heck not!

(This post is dedicated to my mamma who was married many moons ago, isn't she cute in this photo? Pictured here with her mother and father)

Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful Mothers out there!

And lots of love to all those who no longer have their mothers ...

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