It is wedding fair season, a great time to schedule in all the fairs possible, find out as much as you can, collect all the supplier details. After all, the excitement for those "first 50" goodie bags, the free samples, the energetic vibe, the tester cake slices (which are so yummy), trials on the 360 photograph machines and so much more is hard to beat!
What is not to love about a wedding fair. Heck, I love the vibe of the fair and meeting all the suppliers too, I can only imagine the utter excitement when it's to plan for your wedding!
Which is why I suggest 3 simple and easy tips to help you get the most out of any wedding fair you go to!

Did you know "fayre" is the old fashioned way of saying "fair"
A wedding fair is a good place to meet a good mix of suppliers whom you might require for your big day, all in one handy location.
It's a good place to see what options you might have, for instance, you might not realise you'd really like to have Celebrant for your ceremony, (especially if you've never heard of one before - see here for "A Celebrant is a what? )
It's also a good place to ask all your burning questions. Side note: no question is ever silly!
With all that busyness & excitement, how do you make the most of attending all those fairs?
My 3 tips to make the most of any wedding fair you attend:
Go round the fair two or three times if you have to, especially if you didn't get to chat to a particular supplier because they might have been busy chatting with someone else. Trust me, we're usually at the fair for a good few hours, so there is always time to come back round to chat to us. Plus, we really want to meet you!
P.s if you forgot to ask something when you did meet us, come back again, it's more than ok!
If have found your perfect supplier and you know they're the one, go ahead, book them! If, however, you are feeling overwhelmed with all that is on offer, don't agree to anything there and then. It's ok to say you need time or that you need to chat with your partner / friend / family member! Take all your leaflets & info home, grab a drink (and one of those yummy cake samples) & have a chat with your partner. Together in the comfort of your home you'll be able to make informed and calm choices without feeling any pressure.
P.s you can also email, call or DM the supplier afterwards to ask anything you're unsure about, we're always happy to help
Soak it all in, chat to everyone (sometimes you might not need a particular supplier, but they might know someone who can help you or perhaps they could be handy for a friend of yours - I had interest for a baby shower at a wedding fair, cos you never know!)
Get all the free samples you can and ask all the questions your heart desires - after all, that's what us suppliers are there for!
There you have it, 3 tips to make the most of any wedding fair you might be attending soon. Take your time, don't feel you have to commit to anything and most of all, enjoy the fair!
I cannot wait to see you at a Wedding fair near me very soon. Do come say hi, I love to chat and I love to hear your wedding plans! You never know, I might be the Celebrant for your Wedding Ceremony!
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