I would normally say don't expect anything from anyone as that ultimately brings disappointment, especially when those expectations aren't met.
However, you are paying a Celebrant to bring your ceremony to life. You are choosing them carefully, with a lot of consideration to be a part of a one off special occasion (and hopefully more occasions if you really like them!) So it is only natural that you will have expectations of how your ceremony will look and how your Celebrant will achieve that.
So, what does our best look like?
Well, I am glad you asked!
A great, fantastic, amazing and wonderful Celebrant should be able to:
- listen
- relate
- have compassion
- be creative
- be caring
Now of course, not every Celebrant is the same, in fact that is a huge part of our charm, our individuality! We are all individuals and more often than not, people will choose a particular Celebrant because they vibe well with them! That said, as Celebrants, we should all be striving to be doing our very best, as a minimum, for your ceremony!
Here are 5 ways to see if a Celebrant might achieve those expectations...

A great Celebrant should:
Be Upfront about their prices
Including letting you know of any hidden costs, such as travel costs or costs for supplies for any symbolic elements you might want included.
Be Professional.
Be True to their values
Do their actions and words match, are they doing what they let you know they would do?
Be able to take you and your guests on a journey
If you are using a Celebrant, it's very likely the ceremony is the most important part of your day. Does the script reflect the journey of your story, does it reflect you?
Have an original script
The very nature of using a Celebrant means you should be getting a personalised ceremony, all about you, all about your story. Absolutely no shade to those who need a little help with their scripts (yes, some Celebrants use shadow writers), writing is a tough skill and not everyone is a complete master at it. However, your script - your ceremony should be unique to you and not be from a template
This is not an exhaustive list by any means, it acts as a guide to help you choose a suitable Celebrant who will look after you and your ceremony with care.
If you feel a little niggle that you aren't getting the care and attention you expected, check in to see if the above expectations are being met. Like with any supplier for your ceremony, find out a little more first before you make your final decisions.
Happy Celebrant choosing!
(c) Theresa Ribeiro
Photo credit: AJ Photography
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Next week: "What ceremonies do I do?"